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Golf conditioning


Good posture and efficient biomechanics are key elements to being able to achieve an effective golf swing. This will allow for a swing to be achieved that will minimise any movement compensation and be energy efficient. Performance on the golf course will improve without the undue strain associated with movement compensations, when the golfer needs to use improper technique due to muscle imbalances,poor posture and a lack of functional flexibility. An additional benefit of improving biomechanics and reducing movement compensations is that the faulty recruitment patterns of muscles and joints will be negated and the incidence of repetitive injuries such as rotator cuff/shoulder problems and lower back injuries can be significantly reduced. The process involves a targeted approach and with reinforcement yields quick, long term results.  Everyone is different but due to the classic everyday factors of driving,desk work, gravity, computers, etc the anterior pelvic tilt and upper crossed forward posture is a very common and typical posture.  This involves having typically tighter muscles such as gastrocnemius,hamstring,hip flexor,lower back, adductor, pec minor/major,latissimus dorsi and upper trapezius. Weak gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, lower abdominals and rhomboids are also associated with this.

A short duration movement assessment can be used to identify functional movement,capability, flexibility,mobility,core stability and strength.  Various functional movement and flexibility tests are used for this assessment. The majority of people demonstrate similar limitations, as described above, in the movement assessment.

The next phase after the movement assessment is the corrective exercise stage.  There is no point wasting time on a generalistic stretching and conditioning program. It takes a long time and doesn’t get results.  Instead target the stretching/mobility at the tight muscles.  This will release these areas and enable increased muscle recruitment of opposing and weaker muscles during conditioning exercise.  Having massage on these tighter muscles will also act as a catalyst in achieving improved flexibility/movement. Of key importance is that when you’ve done the targeted stretching/mobility it is necessary to use strength and conditioning to train the whole body. This will help to hold the improvements in mobility in place and also allow muscles to be sequenced in more effective firing patterns.  Functional, compound movements performed with good technique such as full range squats,lunges,side lunges,single leg exercises, push,pull and rotation will condition the entire body.  Even, after one session, the body will start to work more efficiently. However, due to driving,desk work, etc lifestyle factors will start to encourage faulty posture once again.  This is where reinforcement of the targeted mobility/stretching and conditioning is needed to correct and improve mechanics.  Training two to three times/week will provide quick and effective results that can be maintained on a long term basis.

Here is an example golf conditioning program:

Warm up/corrective exercise – hip and pec minor mobility exercises are typically used here to correct faulty movement patterns, alongside bodyweight functional movement patterns


Main workout:

Squats  3 sets x 12-15 reps

Bentover row/TRX row 3 sets x 12-15 reps

Lunge with rotation 2 sets/side x 12-15 reps

Press up with rotation 2 sets x 12 reps

Single leg squat 2 sets/side x 12 reps – only take range of motion as far as technique can be maintained

Split stance reverse flies  3 sets x 12-15 reps x appropriate weight dumbells

Plank 2 sets x max hold x good technique


Cool down:

Mobility exercises targeted to release tight muscles such as hip, hamstring, gastrocnemius, adductor, lower back(erector spinae), pec minor/major, anterior deltoids, latissimus dorsi.

Note:  This workout is individualised and progressed/regressed accordingly to each person in relation to results found in the movement screen, which is performed periodically. The program can be developed as biomechanics/conditioning improves.


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